With each of these episodes I listened to Gerren. I empathized. And after some seconds, out of her mouth she'd yell, "I NEED TO GO POTTY!!".
For Crying Out Loud!, the project I began when Gerren was 14 months has come full circle. When I created it, I envisioned the world full of people being empathic with screaming children. I envisioned parents placing tantrums into the same category as peeing; a human expression and a necessary outlet for child wellness.
A few months into Project For Crying Out Loud, I realized that when Gerren cried I distracted her with one of two things: food or activity. "Do you want some raisins?" "C'mon honey, let's go for a walk". Unaware, I was teaching her to disconnect from her emotions.
I came to understand what I was teaching her after it hit me one day. In a very angry moment, I found myself, standing in front of the open fridge searching for something to devour. Then, I made the connection to cleaning the house at mock speeds when I'm angry. Eating and activity were MY learned ways of disconnecting from emotion.
After several episodes of what seemed to be odd upsets, my subsequent empathy, and ultimately "I NEED TO GO POTTY", the epiphany landed on my forehead.
When she was a baby, trying to tell me she had to go potty with her cries*, I misinterpreted her communication and offered food or activity. Her brain developed the association of needing to go potty, with receiving food or activity. So, it makes sense that she would ask for food or activity when she just needs to pee.
NOW when she screams for what seem to be unusual reasons, I gently pick her up and head toward the bathroom.
It's a reminder to me that when I think I know, at times I really have no idea what Gerren's experiencing. She's one of the most articulate 2 year-olds I know, and yet to be fully understood, she requires the room to express herself fully (i.e. without distraction or punishment). The end result is always connection. Simply connected....that's us.
* Elimination communication resources report that babies cry to communicate the need to eliminate.