Sunday, June 27, 2010

What's Our Motto Mom?

At 2 1/2 Gerren seems to have the "toddler property laws" down.
1) If I touch it it's mine
2) If I look at it's mine
3) If I leave anything I've looked at or touched it's still mine

When we're in public, this looks like, as in yesterday's case, a screaming, writhing toddler in my arms as another child passed in the grocery store with a child-sized shopping cart.

To help her develop a mindset of abundance I've begun sharing:
" Our motto is: There's enough for everyone".

A few days back when we were with friends having a snack, she said:
"What's our motto mom?"

I replied. "Hmmm, What's our motto Gerren?"

To which she responded: "There's enough for everyone".

She understands, but knowing a concept and living it are two very different things. Stay tuned.

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