Sunday, September 2, 2012

Naked Parachuting

Gerren leaps from the back of the couch onto the open sofa-bed. Her friend joins her in the glee.




Parachuters are in the house.

A thought enters one's mind. It comes out in, "NAKED PARACHUTERS!"

Every article of clothing comes off. Her friend ponders the idea....and strips.

I sit watching this awesome display of joy, freedom, playful expression.

The other mama arrives. She revels in the beauty of what we're observing.

The energy shifts to other activities. I close up the couch, young ones dress over time.  Dinner arrives. Dads join.

The thought and words arise again, "NAKED PARACHUTING!"

The young ones demand, "WATCH ME!" and the four adults watch. I laugh out loud at the thought of roles reversed. Young ones observing and the adults leaping naked, blissfully connected only to the passion of doing so.

Thank you young life.